xfinity internet for 14.99

Comcast Pay-Per-View | Upcoming Events
Today I received a letter from Comcast saying I can order Comcast XFINITY (Economy plus) internet for $14.99 per month for 12 months. Expiry date 15th April. It says
XFINITY by Comcast -- Official Customer.
Rating: 0 Posted By: WattaDeal Views: 33 Replies: 0 Thanks to wmd @ SDThe download speed is up to 1.5 Mbps and upload up to 384 Kbps. There is no contract
xfinity internet for 14.99
Comcast XFINITY internet $14.99 per month.Visit the new XFINITY customer site to get the most out of your subscription. Watch TV online, check email, pay bill and upgrade Comcast subscription.
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Comcast Economy Internet Service $14.99.
Grab a front row seat to all the excitement from title fights to world championships and extreme match-ups. All live on Pay-Per-View on XFINITY from Comcast.
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Xfinity Comcast 14.99 Specialcomcast xfinity 3Mbps Economy plus.
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